Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Time to get started on a good clear out

The first thing I do when I decide to have a good clean out and de clutter,is to get together some of these very handy linen baskets. I have quite a few for storage and carrying items from room to room. It saves by back :)

I sit down with a nice cup of tea,sometimes in the garden.  I make a plan for my week ahead. Even though I am retired and you might say,"well that's easy when you don't go out to work",but I even did this when I did work full time and achieved far more than when I just drifted from week to week with no plan. 

I decide what I have booked for each day. Sometimes I have a hairdresser,doctor or dentist appointment. I try to book them all on the same day. Sometimes this isn't possible,but most times it is. That way only one day is taken out of my week.

I then decide what I'm going to do on each day. It could be baking and cooking meals in advance for the freezer,or house cleaning etc.

I made my list on Sunday ready for the start of this week. I have already stuck to my list so far this week and today is going to be cupboard day. By that I mean,I'm going through my cupboards one room at a time.
I have my laundry basket ready for the collection 

My first cupboard is in the sun room. This room tends to get things stuffed in there out of the way. 
We spend a lot of time here and so it's important I keep on top of it. 
As an avid collector,I have to de clutter regularly so that my home doesn't resemble a second hand shop.:)

I have this lovely cabinet in here that was my mothers. Because it was dark wood and didn't suit this room,I painted it white and like it lots. It holds quite a bit and I originally thought of keeping glasses for ever day use in here. I found that we like to use nice glasses most of the time, so of cause these never get used. You probably have lots you don't use as well. Most are only incomplete sets,so into the basket they go.

I have fruit dishes and all sorts of unused items here including water sets which are incomplete and never used.
So they go too.

Then I sort out what I can try and sell on Ebay,after all, our trash is another's treasure, hey

Whatever I can't sell goes to our local church jumble sale they hold twice a week.
I try very hard not to look when I go there. I usually take hubby as he keeps my eyes on the task.:)

So there you have it,a good start to getting organized

Have a great week and see you next time when I will be continuing my Organizing

I am joining some nice linky parties this week
You will find the links on my side bar
Please join me,they are such a nice way of meeting like minded souls 

xx jeanetteann


  1. This looks like a good plan! I do need to go through and so some cleaning - I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

  2. I once moved 3 times in 2 years and that taught me exactly how little I really need. I usually pare down the stuff twice a year and knowing that is coming up really keeps me from collecting too much extra stuff.

  3. Oh I love your trash to treasure items! I am such a hoarder even If I have odd pieces! Trying to get better about this though! LOL! Visiting from Kathy's, Delightsome Life.
    Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  4. You are my kind of GAL!! I do the same thing! clean out and ebay! I'm about to do it soon.. cause I'm building a new home and need to clean out all the items I wont take with me!
    I actually enjoy it.. thanks for stopping by,, Maria


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