Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Growing veggies in pots and small spaces

Bay Tree in a pot

When space is at a premium,you can still grow veggies
I have quite a small garden and do enjoy roses and a little cottage garden.
So to grow some lovely organic veggies still can be done
I have some space at the side of the house which gets a large amount of sun
and room there for a row of pots.

An arch can be bought quite cheaply and allows vines such as beans
to be grown without taking up valuable space. 
Trellis along the fence is also great for growing peas and other climbing veggies.

pick as you go lettuce is great in a pot
You can just pick leaves as needed all year.

Lots of herbs such as basil,rosemary,mint and parsley

An apricot tree,I grew from a stone.
I planted it in a half wine barrel
It hasn't had fruit yet,but will I'm sure this Christmas.
We have pruned it so that it remains at a manageable height

We also planted a Lots of Lemons (Myer) tree in a barrel

Seedlings appearing in tubs.


If you think you haven't the room to grow veggies
look for an unused space at the side of your house which gets at least
6 hours of sun a day,and you will be surprised at how much you can fit in. 
Happy Gardening.
xx jeanetteann

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