I had a shock recently. My cholesterol test came back extremely high risk
I opted instead of medication to normalise it,I would try diet and exercise first
My Gradaughter and daughter have been on the IsAgenix programme since Novermber
and have found it life changing.
I thought I would try it too,so I've joined the Healthy Ageing Challenge
and will keep you posted on my progress
Nice fruity shakes are on the menu
I love this one with blueberries and bananas
and orange juice straight from our tree
Freshly baked wholemeal bread that is so good you can eat it
without butter
( I don't eat the cakes,they are for my ladies in my sewing class :)
Some of the recipes I make are in my book
available from
I've been making lots of baby dresses to sell in my etsy shop
or on Ebay
I have started my Spring cleaning
not that it's Spring yet but it's so cold it keeps me warm house cleaning etc
I love the look of fresh linen on the line
and love ironing it too
The daffs and narcissi are all blooming and remind me Spring isn't far away
The pansies are so sweet with their little smiley faces
and who can resist daisies. These reseed all year round
Well that's been my week
How has yours been?
I'll see you at the usual Linky parties
The links are on my side bar
xx jeanetteann