Saturday, July 19, 2014

Sunroom Change around

The sun room doesn't get used much in the middle of Winter,like now
unless we get some sunshine. 
Lately it's been too cold in there as we have had some very overcast days

It was a good time to give it a good change around
I brought out my ruffled table cloth and layered it with another shorter 
one with a ruffle and then topped it with a lace one.

We have a bed settee in here too that we use very rarely
so I keep it loaded up with cushions and a quilt for when the 
grandies come over. They like to cuddle up here,especially at Christmastime

Some of the daffodil and hyacinth bulbs are in bud
so I brought some in here to enjoy,as I have quite a few in pots

I potted up some ferns too,when we moved them to make way for more veggies

I didn't have the heart to put away my family of bunnies after Easter
so they stayed out amongst the vintage bottles

Daisy is getting a little faded in this spot as it gets lots of sun in Summer,
but she doesn't mind

A handy cabinet for my white dishes and Pyrex.

Well back to more pottering
See you next time or 
at the linky parties. The links are on my side bar
Or visit me at my other blog


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